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キトサン食品工業株式会社 » 英語版Q&A »


Does Chitosan have any side effects?

No, it doesn’t. Water-soluble Chitosan is an extremely safe substance. There are rare reports of constipation, diarrhea, slight fever, tiredness, inflammation of the eye, eczema, red or itchy skin, etc., associated with taking Chitosan; however, these reactions are actually part of the process of cleansing the body and disappear in about one week.

How much water-soluble Chitosan should I take in a day?

Adults who want to maintain their health should take 0.5 to 1 gram a day, but those suffering from illness should take 4 grams a day.

So, the best Chitosan products should be low molecular water-soluble Chitosan, right?

That’s right. Chitosan polymers are disassembled into low molecular, water-soluble Chitosan, which raises the body’s absorption rate.

Is Chitosan easily absorbed into the body?

?No, it isn’t. Normal Chitosan polymers aren’t easily absorbed into the digestive organs without processing. Therefore, even if we ingest Chitosan polymers, they don’t act effectively enough in the body.

Do all Chitosan products act similarly?

?No, they don’t. Chitosan products differ according to the quality of the Chitosan within. Factors of note include the level of water-solubility, molecular weight, and rate of absorption inside the body.

Are Chitosan and Chitin the same thing?

No, they’re not. Chitin is an element in the composition of the shells of crabs and shrimp. It is an animal-derived dietary fiber polymer whose molecular weight exceeds one million and doesn’t melt in water or in acid. Chitosan is derived from Chitin by deacetylation. Chitosan also comprises polymers whose molecular weight is several hundred thousand. Chitosan does melt in weak acids but doesn’t melt in water.

